Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Great Montreal Theatre Escape DAY 4

This one shall be brief.

After waking up from a bit of a bender and having a rehearsal where I was essentially a bit character in a George A. Romero film, I spent all of DAY 4 writing about DAY 3. And that is only because I had to write the entry twice.

This happens all the time. I write a blog, I press the wrong key and hours of writing is gone in a blink of an eye. I scream, I shed a few tears, and I stop writing blogs for about a month. This time, in my usual flustered rage, I accidentally dropped my loaner cell phone on the ground shattering it. (and there goes my $50 deposit. Bah.)

Having established out the gate that I was going to chronicle my Montreal trip day by day, I could not allow my latest fuck up to sap my determination.

So even though KID KOALA was in house tonight (more on this is a second), I stayed up in my third floor office apartment and painstakingly rewrote the entire thing. And considering my head was a ping-pong game from hell, it wasn't easy. But I did it. And now I write DAY 4 with an eye for minimalism. (And really, I've got very little to talk about).

One of the most exciting aspects of my Montreal excursion was that for every Monday night I am here, KID KOALA, and yes he gets bold caps every time I type his name, is running his Music To Draw To series. Obviously, I am a huge fan, so this made me mess my pants when the news came in. What the night entails is KID KOALA comes to the theatre, sets up his DJ booth, sets up a bunch of tables, unveils a bunch of goodies for purchase like cookies and hot chocolate, and spins music while people drop in to draw, write and apparently knit. The whole atmosphere is very relaxed and really quite nice. I won't lie, even though I would love to see him rip that shit with the scratch and fade turntablism that he is known for, I will still take any opportunity to eat a chocolate macadamia biscuit whilst writing on my lappy as one of my favorite DJs selects songs in my very own living environment. So SICK.

Still, I had to write a blog twice today and being barely alive, decided to do so in the comfort of my upstairs lair. So next week I'll get down to enjoying my incredible fortune. Today, well, let's just put this one on the Forget Me list.

Got aspirin?
That Blogging Bastard

p.s. Just before posting this, I finally discovered where blogger stores our saved data. What a kick in the teeth. The good news is that some of my lost blogs might be salvageable, and this might include excerpts from my lost epic GIRLS 2. Even though I am annoyed, this makes my plight a little more manageable. More as things develop.

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